About The Artist

Over the last 50+ years I have had the pleasure of being able to enjoy my one indulgence in life - photography - both as a hobby and an avocation! It has never failed to provide me with a renewed sense of wonderment for the world around us. Each opportunity to spend time travelling around the country makes me more aware that the moments we treasure are but fleeting glimpses of events that never stop. If we are prepared, and we throw in a little luck, then those moments may be captured forever. Moments that can then be shared with others not as fortunate to have been in the "right place" at the "right time"

As with any endeavor, there is always the "right way", "technical way" to accomplish your objective. I believe we too often spend a lot of time agonizing over the technical details and then miss getting that one picture that is filled with the emotion of the shot rather than just being technically perfect. I like to look for that side of every picture I take. That side tells us a story; speaks to us of an event and time.

The technology now allows one to take an image and express that moment in many different ways. Digital alteration, collages, paintings and more. Each image represented in different mediums, enhanced using convential techniques, brushes, mediums and printed on archival artist canvas or paper.

The photograph now morphs and blends into the world of painting.